Camp Trinity 2019
Every summer, a team of Trinity Outreach Staff and some incredible youth volunteers facilitate Camp Trinity, a two week extravaganza bringing together K-5th grade campers from the church, neighborhood, and nearby schools.
With the Trinity Presbyterian Church building under construction, we were grateful to be hosted by Jason Lee Middle School, one of our partner schools across the street. Our 35 campers embraced the new setting, playing Hide-and-Go-Seek in the classrooms, and endless rounds of Mushroom Tag in the baseball diamond.
For the first time, Camp Trinity traveled downtown to TinkerTopia! This incredible shop and TinkerSpace is an opportunity to creatively re-use materials that might otherwise go to a landfill. From foam pieces, to discarded laser cut wood, to fabric scraps, campers pushed the limits of their imagination as they turned things into other things, under the guidance of the kind and capable Ms. Darcy.
One morning, we invited our partners at the Tacoma Rescue Mission to host a workshop. Outreach Coordinator, Hayley Uliana, gave campers the opportunity to consider what they understood and perceived about homelessness, then played “True or False” to give campers and leaders alike the chance to learn important facts about our neighbors without homes, inspiring continued conversation throughout the afternoon.
Campers enjoyed a trip to Sail at Sandpoint, an annual highlight! Our incredible hosts provide us with kayaks for the kids to try out, as well as catamarans staffed with skilled volunteers. In true Pacific Northwest style, our staff campers paddled, sailed, and swam, even in the rain!
All this and more filled the two weeks of camp, a summer highlight for staff and kids alike! When the Bryant Neighborhood Center opens next year, we’ll look forward to hosting camp in our revitalized space, designed for opportunities just like this!