Our Case for the BNC: A Beautiful Thing Unfolding
Alicia De Jong and Kyle Bradshaw
Why should you give to the Bryant Neighborhood Center? This series of posts explores why the people connected with the Bryant Neighborhood Center and the Here for Good Capital Campaign invest in its future success.
Kyle Bradshaw and Alicia De Jong joined the Trinity Community when Kyle became Trinity’s Youth Coordinator. The pair quickly began spending their time in the church and it’s outreach programs. After becoming engaged, they added donations to the Bryant Neighborhood Center on their wedding registry because the work here matters to them. Read their thoughts on why they made this choice.
We moved to Tacoma about a year ago. Our first exposure to Trinity was when Kyle was applying for jobs at churches. He saw the logo on Trinity’s website and immediately recognized it as a map. We both studied geography in college and deeply value the importance of place. We are now members at Trinity and volunteer as tutors at TAP, and we recognize how Trinity lives out its values of place and community relationships.
Alicia tutoring a TAP Student.
We witnessed the interconnectedness of this community most recently at the Groundbreaking Ceremony. Mayor Woodards invited all of the children, including the students we work with at TAP, to stand up front with her while she addressed them. Her words expressed hope that the students would see how much their community has invested in them and continue to care for their neighborhood throughout their lives.
The making of the Bryant Neighborhood Center (BNC) is the result of a vision of many individuals choosing to love a place for a long time. As we begin our marriage, and the commitment to love each other for a long time, we decided to put a fund for the BNC on our wedding registry. We hope that others will catch a glimpse of this beautiful thing that is unfolding and choose to support the BNC too.
-Alicia and Kyle
Contribute to the Bryant Neighborhood Center and be a part of this beautiful, unfolding thing.